Asset Condition Management

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  • 1.  Effectiveness of condition monitoring (vibration)

    Posted 03-03-2022 11:09

    Hi vibrn experts,

    I was wondering, How do you measure the EFFECTIVENSSS of condition monitoring (vibration), say you are monitoring 150 to 200 equipments a month?


  • 2.  RE: Effectiveness of condition monitoring (vibration)

    Posted 03-10-2022 04:06


    No expert, but thoughts to ponder, typically if you are either using or have been using vibration testing, someone is looking to change something, increased uptime/production, reduce downtime/lost product and the lists go on and on....

    Make more output with the same amount of inputs, meaning equipment uptime/reliability allows for more product to be produced with same amount of raw ingredients and man hours

    One measurement is to find the top ten / dirty dozen bad actors within your facility, these machines tend to take up most of the maintenance budget, identify the problem and extend the mean time between failure or redesign to extend MTBF

    The list of machines needing repaired should decrease overtime as things are fixed. If you incorporate additional technologies, this too will add additional reliability increase and findings
