!!! Vendor Warning !!!
I know you asked about SKF product, but if you are interested in working with a condition monitoring software with a SQL back end that
1) gives you (on installation) a complete database entity-relationship diagram so you know what every field in every table is for;
2) contains a complete import engine that allows you to safely bring in your historical data from flat-file, CSV, or SQL tables;
3) contains a complete export engine that allows you to send out ALL your data (including spectra / TWFs) to Excel spreadsheets or XML documents;
4) contains a complete built-in query and reporting engine to allow you to modify existing reports or build your own reports from scratch;
5) finally, for the true tinkerer, has a complete programmatic interface (API) that lets you process the underlying database using SQL commands or other programming languages.
... you might want to take a look at MAINTelligence from DMSI ...
PS everything listed above is part of the standard install - no extra charges or engineering fees.
PPS if you have data from oil analysis, thermography, ultrasonic analysis etc. you can put that into MAINTelligence as well. Just sayin'