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CRL Domain Mastery Belt and CRL Black Belt: Certifications Elevating Excellence in Uptime® Elements™ Framework


CRL Domain Mastery Belt projects enable asset management professionals to advance their careers and positively impact their organizations by achieving high profitability results and driving a culture of reliability.

With five CRL Domain Mastery Belt projects, you automatically earn a Black Belt, a prestigious recognition for contributions developed in the context of reliability and with the focus of the Uptime® Elements™ framework.

Driving and implementing a strong asset management culture that involves everyone in the organization is hard work for maintenance and reliability professionals. It requires preparation and commitment, as well as a deep understanding of what such a culture change implies for a company or organization.

Reliability and Asset Management provide many proven benefits in thousands of organizations: safety and operational excellence, economic robustness, adaptability and flexibility in the face of constant technological and market changes, appropriate adaptation and adoption of disruptive technologies to improve efficiency and productivity, leaving behind reactive maintenance models, and many more advantages. However, driving these changes from a new model of thinking often implies a great challenge for maintenance and reliability professionals.

The Black Belt recognition is awarded to those professionals who have demonstrated "exceptional leadership in implementing successful projects in their organizations," according to the Association of Asset Management Professionals (AMP) website. Continuous improvement is one of the main characteristics of reliability, which is considered a path rather than a goal. However, the advances and improvements brought about by the implementation of asset management strategies are translated into observable, measurable results with a lasting impact on organizations.

How does one achieve a Black Belt?

But how does one achieve a Black Belt? The Association of Asset Management Professionals website explains that "the requirements for earning a CRL Black Belt are to submit a minimum of five (5) approved CRL Domain Mastery Belt project applications along with their completed affidavit and verification forms." In other words, it is essential to have developed and approved five Certified Reliability Leadership Mastery Belt projects, applying the strategies and tactics offered by the Uptime Elements Reliability Framework. The Uptime® Elements™ form the framework of comprehensive techniques and strategies that ensure the best performance of equipment and facilities so that organizations can achieve their goals, preserving the safety of people, equipment and the environment, thus delivering cost-effectiveness and creating a culture of reliability that allows these results to be sustainable over time.

The AMP website also provides detailed information on the process, which includes the affidavit and verification forms for CRL Domain Mastery Belt projects, which must be submitted by an active Certified Reliability Leader for each knowledge domain "attesting to the successful results generated by the project," the web portal reports. It adds that the CRL Domain Mastery Belt project affidavit and verification forms must be signed by the following individuals from the applicant's organization:

  • The applicant who led the project
  • The applicant's executive sponsor
  • The applicant's financial verification agent

The forms must also be signed by a subject matter expert (SME) designated by the Association of Asset Management Professionals (AMP). Upon acceptance and approval, a colored Knowledge Domain belt from the Uptime® Elements™ framework, the CRL Mastery Belt, will be delivered. The belts delivered (depending on the projects developed) correspond to the framework's Domains:

  • AM Yellow Belt - Asset Management
  • REM Orange Belt - Reliability Engineering for Maintenance
  • ACM Green Belt - Asset Condition Management
  • WEM Blue Belt - Work Execution Management
  • LER Red Belt - Leadership for Reliability

Upon attainment and confirmation of the five Mastery Belts in the Uptime Element Knowledge Domain, the Certified Reliability Leader Black Belt will be awarded at ceremonies organized by AMP as part of its annual activities.

The AMP website expands on the conditions, requirements, FAQs and examples of which projects meet the requirements and which do not.

Those interested in obtaining a CRL Domain Mastery Belt, or completing five of them to obtain the Certified Reliability Leader Black Belt can consult the link: for more information.

Professional certifications are a clear example of win-win: the professionals who obtain them benefit, as they accredit the skills and knowledge acquired, boost their professional career, increase their prestige and employability, and update the knowledge and academic and professional preparation of the person who obtains the certificate. Likewise, the organization also benefits since it also gains prestige and credibility in the eyes of its competitors by having professionals and technicians duly certified and highly qualified for the tasks they perform. In any case, a CRL Domain Mastery Belt or a CRL Black Belt are certificates of great prestige and respectability, which accredit their holders as true visionary leaders within the maintenance, reliability and asset management business.
