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  • 1.  Expert for SAP PM forum?

    Posted 05-27-2005 03:50
    Dear Terrence

    Do we have an expert/custodian for this SAP PM forum eg from SAP Centre Germany? It would be good if they can chip in advice as part of their customer care program even though it's free and voluntary information. Well, it's not quite free because we pay for the licence. TQ

  • 2.  RE: Expert for SAP PM forum?

    Posted 05-27-2005 05:42
    Yes - there is an expert from SAP-PM (now better known as EAM) as a member of this forum although no comments have been made. I have not had an opportunity to speak with him yet since I saw his sign up to see if he could become more active. I also know the US support contacts for SAP EAM as well although they have not joined the forum yet.

    It is common in large supply companies that a very specific communication policy is in place that may limit direct SAP participation in a forum such as this. I am not sure that is the case with SAP as I also know the EAM support team travels almost all the time and keep themselves very busy supporting customers as well.

    I will follow up with SAP to see what the story is.

    Thanks for all you advice to forum members!

    Terry O

  • 3.  RE: Expert for SAP PM forum?

    Posted 05-28-2005 02:07
    Thanks for the explanation. Yes, SAP has support centres. However, this public forum is good as information centre.Anyway, participation and information in this forum is voluntary. And FOC. TQ

  • 4.  RE: Expert for SAP PM forum?

    Posted 02-28-2006 14:00
    How about SAP partners like Accenture?

  • 5.  RE: Expert for SAP PM forum?

    Posted 03-01-2006 21:00
    Is there any interest?

  • 6.  RE: Expert for SAP PM forum?

    Posted 03-02-2006 14:56
    Working on it - and have a few possibilities. We would prefer a neutral - no-vendor related expert. At the end of the day - vendors vend (sell). That is the job they have. Terry O