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Have you used capacity planning in SAP PM?

joshua suring

joshua suring10-07-2005 09:52

  • 1.  Have you used capacity planning in SAP PM?

    Posted 05-02-2005 00:35
    Have you used capacity planning in SAP PM? How easy is it to use? It's necessary to plan and distribute works evenly over a period of time. TQ

  • 2.  RE: Have you used capacity planning in SAP PM?

    Posted 10-05-2005 14:56
    Like all processes in SAP the capacity planning can be easy to use. It depends on the profiles which are set up and the training developed. Using Capacity leveling in SAP works well, but takes a lot of training to understand. The planning board uses a common profile comprissed of 9 different profiles just to display the results on the screen. In a nutshell a well defined process with desired results is the begining then comes the training

    Have you used capacity planning in SAP PM? How easy is it to use? It's necessary to plan and distribute works evenly over a period of time

  • 3.  RE: Have you used capacity planning in SAP PM?

    Posted 10-05-2005 20:30
    What is the use of the many different profiles for capacity planning & planning board?

  • 4.  RE: Have you used capacity planning in SAP PM?

    Posted 10-06-2005 08:28
    The profiles tell the planning board which way to display the operations and what you can do in the board. You can set up profiles to display only dispached operations or the reverse. The profiles also will determine how those operations are dispached ie if you want to dispach to non working time etc

  • 5.  RE: Have you used capacity planning in SAP PM?

    Posted 10-06-2005 15:52
    There was an excellent presentation on configuring the Planning Board presented at the America's SAP Users Group (ASUG) 2004 Forums. It is available for registered users at their website
    The presentation was by Lynda Riley and Irvin Moore of PacifiCorp and is entitled "Implement Capacity Requirments Planning in SAP R/3 Enterprise".

  • 6.  RE: Have you used capacity planning in SAP PM?

    Posted 10-07-2005 09:52
    Couldn't locate the article!

  • 7.  RE: Have you used capacity planning in SAP PM?

    Posted 01-11-2006 14:32
    Are you interested in fiite caoacity planning? you can take a look to
    There are some examples with sap screens about fiite capacity scheduling and family capacity planning.


  • 8.  RE: Have you used capacity planning in SAP PM?

    Posted 01-14-2006 22:13
    I'm are interested in Capacity Planning for SAP Plant Maintenance.

    Can you apply your finite capacity planning for SAP Production PLanning to the SAP Plant Maintenance?

    Could not get the paper mentioned by you.

  • 9.  RE: Have you used capacity planning in SAP PM?

    Posted 01-27-2006 14:36
    Originally posted by vietrim:
    Are you interested in finite capacity planning? you can take a look to
    There are some examples with sap screens about finite capacity scheduling and family capacity planning.


  • 10.  RE: Have you used capacity planning in SAP PM?

    Posted 03-26-2006 19:57
    John, good to see you on this forum. Did you look at our capacity planning guidance tool? I've recently used it. Interesting. Where are you now?

  • 11.  RE: Have you used capacity planning in SAP PM?

    Posted 04-24-2006 03:01
    Originally posted by Josh:
    I'm are interested in Capacity Planning for SAP Plant Maintenance.

    Can you apply your finite capacity planning for SAP Production PLanning to the SAP Plant Maintenance?

    Could not get the paper mentioned by you.

    Yes, it works, but you need some custom programs and standard modifications that I've done... On the site there some examples ( so you can better understand. If you are interested, write to me

  • 12.  RE: Have you used capacity planning in SAP PM?

    Posted 04-24-2006 13:20

    there is an German company (OR-Soft) who has an nice scheduler for SAP R/3.
    For more information have a look on their homepage
    Maybe this helps a bit

  • 13.  RE: Have you used capacity planning in SAP PM?

    Posted 04-25-2006 13:04
    Hi Joel

    Never had the chance to look at the guidance tool. I have been in Omaha, they just pulled the plug on the project so I am headed back to Houston this week

  • 14.  RE: Have you used capacity planning in SAP PM?

    Posted 07-05-2006 05:51
    I use this function a little bit, I use to view each maintenance team have assigned work hour in week or next week, if you scheduling 1-week schedule or 1-month lookahead. It usefully to help you