Uptime Elements is a reliability framework for generating improved asset performance while amplifying a sustainable reliability culture based on integrity and leadership. The Certified Reliability Leader designation offered by the Association of Asset Management Professionals (AMP) demonstrates that you are confident and competent in expressing Uptime Elements - A Reliability Framework and Asset Management System.
CRL Domain Mastery Belt projects enable triple bottom-line outcomes of improving reliability and asset performance. You can earn an Uptime Elements Domain Mastery Belt by generating “significant” outcomes. Significant outcomes differ from organization to organization. Not every significant outcome translates to purely economic factors. Almost any project that generates change that supports people in a verified performance improvement trend toward reliability is “significant” in our opinion. Our suggestion is to discuss your CRL Domain Mastery Belt project with a subject matter expert (SME) assigned through AMP. For guidance and clarification, contact crm@maintenance.org.
Whether in mining, manufacturing, information technology (data warehousing), processing, utility, infrastructure or service industries, such projects quantify the positive effects of changes. The goal of each successful CRL Domain Mastery Belt Program is to generate significant improvements in reliability and asset performance. For example, over 3 years, multiple CRL Domain Mastery Belt projects with a defect elimination focus eliminated 54% of defects and 73% of defects over 6 years.
A CRL Domain Mastery Belt project is one that uses appropriate strategies and tactics from the Uptime Elements Reliability Framework approach to generate breakthrough performance created by a sustainable reliability culture and delivers a real triple bottom-line benefit aligned to organizational objectives.
Reliability tools tend to be generic and rarely generate sustainable business success on their own. It is the ability to engage and empower cross-functional teams of reliability leaders who work aligned to the AIM of the organization that distinguish a CRL Domain Mastery Belt Project from other improvement projects.
Economic impact, environmental impact and social/cultural impact as outcomes are also a requirement within a CRL Domain Mastery Belt project when compared to other “improvement” projects that focus solely on economic return on investment.