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  • 1.  ADRE 408

    Posted 12-24-2016 11:07

    Is there anyone on this forum have a ADRE 408 manual other than the "Quick Start Manual"?

  • 2.  RE: ADRE 408

    Posted 12-24-2016 18:35

    A manual does not exist.  The product was designed to be supported through the "Help" file which is very extensive.  You don't have to do much searching; if you are at a screen where you need help hit the help button and you will get a help topic unique to that specific screen.

  • 3.  RE: ADRE 408

    Posted 02-11-2024 23:28

    Dear John

    Does ADRE408 have a docking key user? Can use one computer and one ADRE408 equipment?

    Peter Siriwattana-wongsakul

  • 4.  RE: ADRE 408

    Posted 12-26-2016 15:31

    GE/BNC actually offers a three day class on the ADRE 408.  So what you are telling me,  GE only uses a "Quick Start Guide" and "Software Help Guide" to teach students this class?  

  • 5.  RE: ADRE 408

    Posted 12-26-2016 19:51

    No, the quick start manual isn't the basis of the case.  It is hands on, ranging from setting up a database to understanding signal processing.  You configure based on scenarios and run rotor kits to collect data, hopefully understanding the ramifications of your decisions and without risk to machines or personnel.    The advantage is you will actually do things if you attend the course.   You are less likely to seek out an answer in the help file.