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  • 1.  Where do I start?

    Posted 04-01-2024 10:10

    I have recently taken a position within my company as the lead for maintenance and asset management.   I want to get off to a good start and was thinking the best place to start would be to do a gap analysis and inventory of our systems.   We have an home grown built Asset and Work Management system and I know some of the data fields are their but wanted to get any ideas on how I should go about determining what I should ask to be added and data to be captured to start developing Asset Mangagement and Asset Maintenance Practices and plans

  • 2.  RE: Where do I start?

    Posted 04-02-2024 02:13

    Nearing the last years of my career, I have learnt much, and here is my take.

    1. Recognise that Maintenance is the management of Residual Risks
    2. No such thing as a Risk Appetite. The laws will bight you hard playing that game.
    3. Asset Management is all about the entire lifecycle. 
    4. Each Asset must be data mapped to it's Parent/Child AND within its System.
    5. Know who the steward is.
    6. What does the equipment  manufacturer say should performed, I know this is denigrated, but again if crap hits the fan, you may save your bacon in front of a judge, 
    7. Develop a relationship with finance so you can speak into the fixed asset register valuation and learn what Activity Based Accounting is.

    Cheers and all the best

    Mark Tripet
    Strategic Asset Manager

  • 3.  RE: Where do I start?

    Posted 04-03-2024 10:00

    Congratulations on your new position.  

    I've been in the maintenance world for over 30 years.  I'm currently working with an AI/ML company focused solely on asset management and maintenance operations. Consistency and quality of data are extremely important. I suggest a true data gap audit of your homegrown Asset and Work Management data compared to data required to drive best-in-class practices in asset and maintenance organizations and future AI/ML initiatives. The outcome is a report highlighting the overall quality of your homegrown Asset and Work Management data, what areas your data is good and can be used to drive asset management and maintenance business decisions, predictions and suggestions, and what gaps in data exist and need to be corrected to drive future business decisions, predictions and suggestions. Word of caution: make sure it is a true data gap analysis, not a data process gap analysis. Until I started to understand how data is used to drive machine learning and artificial intelligence, I thought a data process gap analysis was appropriate to answer your question.  I quickly learned there is a big difference between these two types of data gap analysis. Not many companies offer a true data gap analysis related to asset management and maintenance operations. I'm sure that will change in the future as maintenance organizations adopt AI/ML software.  Most consulting companies are currently providing a data process gap analysis. You can find additional information in this LinkedIn post

    Stan Shantz

  • 4.  RE: Where do I start?

    Posted 04-03-2024 10:06

    Well, I read your question, but also read the responses from other colleagues.

    Before at all, Congratulations!!!

    I agree with some comments my colleagues did, however I think when you start in a new position as lead of Maintenance and Asset Management (I prefer to say Asset Care Management); you need to have very clear this: "Maintenance Management is not Asset Management".

    Then a good point to begin is as mentioned an Initial Assessment or Gap Analysis. This Assessment would be completed assuming what are the principles and good practices in Maintenance and Asset Management. There are some standards that offer to you some aspects to cover.

    Asset Care Management implies to adopt or, at least, to consider several standards. Here are what I called the 8 basic ones: the ISOs 55000, 9001, 14000, 50001, 37000, 45001, 31000, and 14224. Why? Because the offer to you complete figure about what do you need to achieve, and these achievements automatically will be aligned with company's needs.

    Of course, it is not achievable in "one day". This requires to apply no only the standards in conjunction with the functional areas but various techniques and methodologies, including RCM and TPM Pillars, SAE TA-STD-0017, between others.

    RCM offers the opportunity to identify the business risks based on Assets Performance and Failures Criticality, but also from a perspective economic-technical. Besides the AMEF, also it to validate opportunities for restructuring Maintenance Area -just in case-, and Maintenance Planning, Scheduling, and Activities. SAE TA-STD-0017 will help to define Activities, Roles, Technicians Capabilities, between others.

    Regarding TPM, there is not obligation to adopt TPM as is, because this is a methodology-based-culture MBC -my own definition-, and some aspects cannot be copied / adopted directly in the American Culture and "sub-cultures". However, the principles and some pillars can be customized and applied almost as are.

    Don't forget to create a integrated plan for the process.

    Hoping this helps.

    Good luck!!! 

    Pedro A Torres-Rivero Valenotti, MScMM

  • 5.  RE: Where do I start?

    Posted 04-02-2024 11:07

    Congratulations on your new position! I retired in 2020 after more than 40 years in the chemical (industrial gases) industry with the last half being specifically in reliability management for production facilities around the world. So, after all these years of reliability challenges, where would I start? I would strongly recommend defining what the true cost of downtime is for your facility or enclave. In your position you will certainly come up with new programs and technology to improve reliability performance and will have to go to executive management for funding and the first question you will be asked is," what's the return on investment or ROI" and to define that, you MUST have the true cost of downtime. If you can't answer what the cost impact is going from 98% to 96% reliability is, you're dead in the water. Remember, it's a business and everything must ultimately relate to margin performance, and maintenance is NOT a variable cost. I submitted a presentation for IMC2021 entitled, "Selling Reliability ROI & ROC" which you may find helpful. I also would be cautious of in-house CMMS programs because they are usually not tied to financials and again, it's a business and financial impact should be weighted in everything you do and keeps the need for reliability as critical meeting customer and investor expectations. My two cents, Good Luck!

    Victor E Rioli

  • 6.  RE: Where do I start?

    Posted 04-02-2024 11:46

    Did they give you some defined areas of responsibility? On the Asset management side, it could be pretty broad, like does it include storeroom/inventory management, or just running assets? Is it a primarly data based role, like CMMS admin or scheduler? 

    A gap analysis is usually a good start unless the current system is so convoluted and unkempt as to indicate you might spend more time than is useful just to "untangle the bucket full of wires" vs just buying new ones for just what you actually need. 

    If you are familiar with the basic workflow of the department, then doing a basic inventory of what is in place and working might be a good start, like how are work orders handled, parts procurement, shift scheduling, etc.

    Once you have the "as-is" understood, then its a good place to start looking at where the gaps are.

    .. just some initial thoughts.

    Andy Rodes
    VP, Operations
    VibeCloud Reliability

  • 7.  RE: Where do I start?

    Posted 04-03-2024 19:57

    What is "The Vicious Cycle" of Reactive Maintenance?

    It's called a cycle for a reason. Once you're inside, it's almost impossible to escape without getting outside help. It's a cycle of constantly repairing equipment breakdowns AFTER they occur. And it is so much more expensive than well-planned and scheduled maintenance. Here's how it usually goes-

    1. Another breakdown occurs, and an already busy maintenance team is further overloaded with repairs.

    2. To speed things up, temporary repairs are made. But since these don't last, they actually lead to more re-work and a bigger maintenance burden.

    3. As costs increases, there is more pressure on head count and budgets and cuts are made. The pressure on the maintenance team further mounts.

    4. With less people and more work, the backlog continues to grow. Work standards drop. Morale drops.

    5. Preventive maintenance routines are no longer all done as there simply isn't enough time in the day. And with PM's being missed, we now have more breakdowns occurring and we're back at the beginning of the reactive cycle.

    It's a sad, soul-destroying cycle. And I've been there before. If you don't know what to do, you'll lose your hair from all the stress and anxiety.

     But luckily, you can break out of this cycle. You just need to know how. And in my experience, there are two key steps to help you escape this cycle-

    Step 1: Prioritise Work through Planning & Scheduling

    - Ranking Index for Maintenance Expenditure (RIME)

    - Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM)

    Step 2: Eliminate Repeat Failures through Defect Elimination - This is different from RCA

    Step 3: Optimise your Preventive Maintenance Program

    Ahmad Kidwai

  • 8.  RE: Where do I start?

    Posted 04-08-2024 17:24

    Congratulations on the new role!  I think there are some really good insights posted here,  and would particularly endorse point 1 by @Mark Tripet - in a perfect world, nothing breaks down but it isn't and it does (in various ways) so maintenance is simply an effort to mitigate those risks.

    The only point I think I would add is that it all starts on the ground: the assets are there to perform a function.  If you are new in role you have a unique opportunity to get out into the plant (or stay out of you've come from maintenance within the organisation) and get in some quick wins in terms of improvements before the meetings start and it gets harder to stay focused on the assets themselves.  The systems are good and should absolutely be there to support but try and keep the main thing the main thing.

    Let us know how you get on!

    Gareth Ward
    Chartered Engineer
    Enthusiast of all things Asset Management