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  • 1.  Wireless Senor

    Posted 10-17-2023 04:40
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    Following Brands we are comparing technically and Commercially

    1. Ronds(RH-650)
    2. Sensoteq (Kappa X)
    3. Emerson (AMS-9530)
    4. Banner(Q45VAC)
    5. Bently Nevada (Ranger Pro)
    6. Digivibe (wiser3X)

    Currently we are using AMS-2140 for condition monitoring, some time machines need to kept under observation/continuous monitoring , so we are reviewing the above 6 brands Ronds,Sensoteq and Digivibes seems comparable..... if you guys having experience of using these meters please share ur experience and technical recommendation 

    Basit Khan


  • 2.  RE: Wireless Senor

    Posted 10-17-2023 07:57

    Hi, do you have your regional Sensoteq supplier? Otherwise we are distributors for SE Europe and can  give you some more information regarding data in your comparison table.


  • 3.  RE: Wireless Senor

    Posted 10-18-2023 03:21
    Edited by T J 10-18-2023 03:24
    Hi Basit.
    What you are asking and reviewing is common.
    In the last 12-18 months we have reviewed nearly all on your list (5 of 6) plus others. The market is quite saturated.  
    Comparing sensor brands is a sensitive topic thus I won't be drawn into detail here only to note that all are Tier 2 sensors from our perspective. Maybe one is borderline Tier 1. We could also argue Digivibe is not a 'traditional' IIoT sensor as route based inspections are still required to collect the data which is the antipathy of IIoT.  
    Others in the forum will have their only valid opinions but we remain agnostic on behalf of our clients and can make assertions without bias. 
    To support your review, we suggest break it down into the four (4) main components of IIoT;
    1. Aggregation – how the sensor collects data (hardware). We would advocate avoiding sensors with one high frequency axis and the other 2 axis significantly lower. This will limit your analysis capabilities.
    2. Assemble – how the sensor transmits data, cybersecurity (hardware specific to sensor and associated equipment) 
    3. Analysis and Dashboard – capabilities of algorithms, analytics, logic,  
    4. Alerts and Notifications – automated alerts, configurable, prescriptive advice etc.  
    Where the Tier 1 sensors differentiate: 
    - they offer edge computing for anomaly detection on the device itself,  
    - on-board edge processing to rationalise sensor alerts,
    -Over-the-air (OTA) customisable sampling strategies / configuration / data collection duration etc. This is particularly relevant for tuning sensors. Effectively each sensor can be modified to collect data specific for every different machine you have if needed,
    - communication protocols. All that you have considered are very limited for the frequency of data available to be transmitted.
    This is because it affects battery life, so many, when you read the fine print, will say words to the effect "battery life is based on one (1) full spectrum per 'x' days and RMS 'x' times per day……" All of your nominated sensors can collect typically only one full spectrum data packet per day to maintain battery longevity projections. Other times only RMS. Effectively these are basically threshold sensors if you consider your current AMS approach. That may be reasonable for your intended maintenance strategy. LTE is the preferred protocol we have found to balance battery longevity and data packet size and frequency. 
    - the best sensors now include more than just vibration and temperature. We have good success with a sensor with vibration, temperature plus acoustic, RPM extraction and magnetic flux within the same sensor. When you consider the P-F curve, you appreciate why acoustic in particular is advantageous. 
    - wider dynamic range and LoR 
    - finally, (to avoid an even longer response), only consider the wireless range quoted very 'loosely'. Range is never as quoted, and if it does achieve it, it may do so for one / few sensors, or on the perfect day (if outside). We have in the past had some bad use cases where we have had to install gateways to service 4 sensors because of equipment congestion, shiny surfaces etc. Typically we install more gateways than what you would measure off the plan. Gateways are always also an issue in any case, drop out, wiring, power requirements etc. One of the sensors we advocate, depending on Client PdM needs, requires no gateway. Deploys and collects in a few minutes and behaves like your mobile phone. 
    Again, these are lessons from our experience in IIoT sensors. The market is changing regularly and our advice may change in a few months but currently, without wanting to delay your review and create more work for yourself, I suggest you may wish to consider other Tier 1 options. The decision also depends on your budget but you need to consider all end-to-end factors including installation costs. 
    Hope this helps. If you have a follow-up query, feel free to direct message me. 

    T J