Original Message:
Sent: 04-07-2024 07:26
From: John Winterton
Subject: Vibration Acceptable Limits at Vertical Motor
That symbol after the 12 means feet. 12'
The IEEE standard symbol for a foot is "ft". In some cases, the foot is denoted by a prime, often approximated by an apostrophe, and the inch by a double prime; for example, 2 feet 4 inches is sometimes denoted as 2′ 4″.
John from PA
Original Message:
Sent: 04-06-2024 12:45
From: Lyn Greenhill
Subject: Vibration Acceptable Limits at Vertical Motor
Your chart makes perfect sense. However, nearly all of the specs for vertical motor acceptance vibration we (DynaTech) deal with reference either ANSI/HI 9.6.4 or ISO 10816-3. As such, while your chart certainly captures the characteristics of vertical motor vibration, it couldn't be used for acceptance. For low speed (< 600 rpm) pumps, the HI standard does have a vertical height adjustment, and we always assume that the modifier also applies to the "recommended" motor vibration limits, although it doesn't explicitly state that.
What I would suggest is that you submit your chart to the Hydraulic Institute, since they are doing an update to the vibration limits for 9.6.4 and are looking for input, preferably from test data. I am planning on compiling our 24 years of test data and submitting it, primarily based on power, but I could sort on height with the motors as well.
Lyn Greenhill
Original Message:
Sent: 04-06-2024 02:36
From: Ali Al-Shurafa
Subject: Vibration Acceptable Limits at Vertical Motor
Dear Lyn,
I guess what you meant was that all limits must be mentioned in international standards otherwise, they couldn't be used for acceptance.
May I understand why?
Regards- Ali M. Al-Shurafa
Regards- Ali M Shurafa
Original Message:
Sent: 04-04-2024 18:41
From: Lyn Greenhill
Subject: Vibration Acceptable Limits at Vertical Motor
Nice figure, but not supported by any standards, so couldn't be used for acceptance.
Lyn Greenhill
Original Message:
Sent: 04-04-2024 10:35
From: Ali Al-Shurafa
Subject: Vibration Acceptable Limits at Vertical Motor
You might be looking for something like this.
Regards- Ali M. Al-Shurafa